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151 6888 2846

热门要害词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




电话:151 6888 2846




来源: 日期:2022-03-24 宣布人:
  Rolling shutter doors are widely used in our daily life. Of course, there will be sudden events in the process of use, such as not rolling up. What is going on here?
  我们应该先检查拉不上去的原因 。如果下卷门弹簧断裂,卷门弹簧的连接带断裂,则需要更换弹簧带 。也有可能是转动齿轮卡有异物,需要清理异物,或者链条生锈 。关于生锈的链条,可以涂抹适量的润滑剂 。
  We should check why it's not pulling up. If the lower coil door spring breaks and the connecting belt of the coil door spring breaks, the spring belt needs to be replaced. There may also be a foreign body stuck in the rolling gear that needs to be cleaned, or a rusty chain. For rusted chains, apply a moderate amount of lubricant.
  通常不可卷起,因为卷帘门上的门帘卡在导轨的凹槽中,甚整个门帘的门都可能损坏 。如果是受力变形造成的,在这种情况下,就需要找到损坏的窗帘 。如果只是普通的持卡人,应该是平的 。如果变形,需要立即更换,以免后续故障导致整扇门损坏 。
  Usually can not be rolled up, because the curtain on the curtain door stuck in the groove of the guide rail, or even the whole curtain door may be damaged. If it is caused by stress deformation, in this case, you need to find the damaged curtain. If it's just a regular cardholder, it should be flat. If the door is deformed, replace it immediately to avoid damage to the whole door due to subsequent faults.
  另外,为了避免此类事故的再次爆发,用户应该要用正确的要领去维护保养济南卷帘门 。好比按期检查电动卷帘门的上下行程开关,并给行程控制器加润滑油,包管正常运行 。
  In addition, in order to prevent the recurrence of such accidents, users should use the correct way to maintain the Ji 'nan rolling shutter door. For example, check the upper and lower travel switches of electric rolling shutter doors regularly, and add lubricating oil to the travel controller to ensure normal operation.
  卷帘门在开启和关闭时检查电梯行程开关的位置以及是否处于正确位置 。检查卷帘门时,要严防电动卷帘门冲顶或倒车紧急情况,立即停止转动并切断电源 。
  Check the position of the elevator travel switch and whether it is in the correct position when the shutter door is opened and closed. When checking the rolling shutter door, it is necessary to strictly prevent the emergency situation of the electric rolling shutter door hitting the top or reversing, immediately stop rotating and cut off the power supply.
  本文对济南卷帘门拉不上去怎么办做出了相应的解答,希望以上内容可以资助您 。想了解更多这方面的知识,可以登录网站检察 。

阅读/ Recommended reading

济南卷帘门在家庭、商业和工业建筑中获得了广泛应用,其功效齐全、可靠、美观实用的特点使其成为门窗装饰的质料 。济南卷帘门接纳高强度铝合金质料,具备抗风、抗撞击和防盗特性,并配备...

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