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151 6888 2846

热门要害词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




电话:151 6888 2846




来源: 日期:2022-11-08 宣布人:
The main reason why garage doors are widely used at present is that garage rolling doors conform to people's usage habits, and garage rolling doors are convenient and fast to use, with a wide range of applications. However, when operating Jinan garage doors, we should pay attention to some matters. Let's learn about the operation of garage doors:
1、车库门变频器运转中严禁将马达机组投入或切离,不然会造成变频器过电流跳脱,甚变频器主回路烧毁 。
1. During the operation of garage door inverter, it is strictly forbidden to put the motor unit into operation or cut it off, otherwise, the inverter will trip due to overcurrent, or even the main circuit of the inverter will be burnt.
2、变频器送电历程中请勿取下前盖,以避免感电受伤 。
2. Do not remove the front cover during power transmission of the inverter to prevent electric injury.
3、在开启故障再启动功效时,马达在运转后会自动再启动,请勿靠近机械,以免爆发意外 。
3. When the fault restart function is enabled, the motor will restart automatically after running. Please keep away from the machine to avoid accidents.
4、散热座、刹车电阻等发热元件请勿触摸,以防烫伤 。
4. Please do not touch the radiator, brake resistor and other heating elements to prevent scalding.
5、变频器可以很容易从低速到高速运转,请确认马达与机械的速度容许规模 。
5. The frequency converter can easily run from low speed to high speed. Please confirm the allowable speed range of motor and machine.
6、快速车库卷帘门变频器运转中请勿检查电路板上的信号,以免爆发危险 。
6. Please do not check the signal on the circuit board during the operation of the speed garage shutter door converter to avoid danger.
7、变频器出厂时均已调解设定,请不要任意加以调解,按所需功效适当调解 。
7. The frequency converter has been adjusted when leaving the factory. Please do not adjust it arbitrarily, and adjust it appropriately according to the required functions.
8、变频器凌驾50HZ以上频率运行时,请务必考虑振动、噪音、电机轴承及机械装置所允许的速度规模 。
8. When the frequency converter operates above 50HZ, please be sure to consider the allowable speed range of vibration, noise, motor bearings and mechanical devices.
9、接纳机械行程定位时,遇停电可用手摆荡杆将门翻开 。系统来电后,将电源开关接通后,门可正常使用 。
9. When mechanical stroke positioning is adopted, the door can be opened by manual rocker in case of power failure. After the system is powered on, the door can be used normally after the power switch is turned on.
10、接纳编码器定位时,门体无手动升降过,来电接通后门可正常使用 。手动调理门体,来电需要重新定位后方能使用 。
10. When the encoder is used for positioning, there is no manual lifting of the door body, and the back door can be used normally when the power is connected. Manually adjust the door body. It can only be used after an incoming call is repositioned.
不知道各人在看完上文之后有没有对此有更深入的了解了呢?在使用车库卷帘门的时候,一定要凭据操作严格执行,并且还要按期对车库卷帘门进行护理,延长车库卷帘门的使用寿命 。关注我们了解更多!
Do you have a deeper understanding of this after reading the above? When using the garage roller shutter door, it must be strictly implemented according to the operation, and the garage roller shutter door must be regularly cared to extend the service life of the garage roller shutter door. Follow us Learn more!

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