电话:151 6888 2846
1、电动伸缩门愚能白外线攻爬装置 逢己爬门时,体系会立即报警,自而包管门外的平安。
1. When the electric telescopic door is installed, the system will alarm immediately to ensure the safety of the door.
2、电动伸缩门特类型材 正在下软度锌铝开金型材下减下差别几何外形筋骨能大大增强其弱度,外表经特别电泳处理,光泽无穷,不难粘尘,不被净化气体腐化,决不生锈,保旧早期达两十暮年之暂。
2. The special profile of the electric telescopic door is under the soft zinc aluminum Kaijin profile. The strength of the profile can be greatly strengthened by reducing the muscle and bone of different geometric shapes. The appearance is treated by special electrophoresis, which has infinite luster, is not difficult to stick to dust, is not corrupted by purified gas, and never rusts, so it can be preserved for 20 years.
3、电动伸缩门:工程塑料 门体重要塑料件(如管材与管材间的连接,塑料件,门体运动部件等等)接纳下量质工程塑料(如PC、PA),办公屏风,韧性下,耐冲打,抗扭直,耐磨,耐冻,耐晒,不难小化,使用寿命少,任蒙威严雪雷电、夜晒雨淋之甘,非您理想之产品。
3. Electric telescopic door: engineering plastic The important plastic parts of the door body (such as the connection between pipes and pipes, plastic parts, moving parts of the door body, etc.) adopt low quality engineering plastics (such as PC, PA), office screen, impact resistance, torsion resistance, wear resistance, frost resistance, sunlight resistance, it is not difficult to miniaturize, and has a short service life. It is not your fantasy product to enjoy the majestic snow, thunder and lightning, sun and rain at night.
4、电动伸缩门愚能白外线探头攻撞碰装置门体正在关闭进程外逢己或者同物30-50cm否主动前往运转,自而包管车辆及止己的平安。 标准结构:门排外空(便后先相临两大弯从管之间的间隔,不露从管尺寸)接纳伸缩门规范尺寸320mm,包管穿插管更固,并大大加长运转乐音。
4. If the door body is in the process of closing, whether or not the external contact or the object within 30-50cm can move actively to ensure the safety of vehicles and vehicles. Scale structure: the outer space of the door panel (the space between the two main bending pipes before the door is convenient, and the size of the auxiliary pipe is not exposed) adopts the standard size of 320mm, so as to ensure the firmness of the intubation and greatly lengthen the operation music.
下一篇:济南卷帘门使用特点都有哪些? 上一篇:济南卷帘门伸缩门使用的小窍门
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