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The frequency converter can be said to be the core component of the whole fast rolling shutter. Generally, the frequency converter has been adjusted before leaving the factory. At this time, it must not be adjusted at will. It should be adjusted properly according to the functional requirements of the rolling shutter. We can use a very popular word to explain the function of the shutter frequency converter, which is the conversion process from low speed to high speed operation of the shutter. This time we should want to confirm the tolerance of motor and machine speed and range. We need to mention that it is strictly prohibited to input or cut off the operation of the motor unit in the frequency converter, otherwise it will cause the over-current jump of the frequency converter, which will cause the main circuit of the frequency converter to burn seriously.
In the transmission process of the frequency converter, the front cover cannot be removed, otherwise it will cause induction damage. When the frequency converter exceeds 50Hz, please consider the allowable speed range of vibration, noise, motor bearing and mechanical device, which should also be considered when the fast rolling gate is safe.
The above is the relevant content introduced by Jinan roller shutter manufacturer. If you want to know more, please visit the website:
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