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151 6888 2846

热门要害词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




电话:151 6888 2846




来源: 日期:2023-05-30 宣布人:
现如今 ,济南卷帘门在市场上十分受接待 ,它的操作很是简便灵活 ,并且坚固又美观 ,随着其应用规模的不绝扩展 ,越来越多的人选择卷帘门 ,那各人对其了解几多?有时也会泛起故障。好比泛起没电的情况 ,那么接下来 ,我们将围绕“卷帘门停电的处理步伐”这个问题为各人泛起相关内容 ,一起来看看吧。
Nowadays, Jinan roller shutter doors are very popular in the market. Their operation is very simple and flexible, and they are sturdy and beautiful. With the continuous expansion of their application range, more and more people choose roller shutter doors. So how much do you know about them? Sometimes faults can also occur. For example, if there is a lack of power, then next, we will present relevant content around the issue of "handling measures for power outage of rolling shutter doors". Let's take a look together.
卷帘门在断电时切换到手动模式。差别类型的卷帘门有差别的手动模式。一般卷帘门的电机上都有手链 ,拉一下就可以了。带弹簧平衡系统的卷帘门带有手动电动开关 ,有些卷帘门带有曲柄。
The rolling shutter door switches to manual mode when powered off. Different types of roller shutter doors have different manual modes. Generally, there is a bracelet on the motor of the roller shutter door, just pull it once. Rolling shutter doors with spring balance system come with manual electric switches, and some rolling shutter doors come with cranks.
1、为您的卷帘门装置不间断电源 ,再也不怕停电了。
1. Install an uninterrupted power supply for your roller shutter door, and you won't be afraid of power outages anymore.
2. When purchasing, it is advisable to purchase roller shutter doors with manual power off function as much as possible.
3、如果你在没有电的情况下在门里面 ,你可以用铁链把门从百叶窗上抬起。
3. If you are inside the door without electricity, you can use a chain to lift the door from the blinds.
当济南卷帘门遭遇停电时 ,我们可以使用上述要领进行修复 ,这样以后在发明家里的卷帘门停电时 ,就不会意烦意乱了。
When Jinan's rolling shutter door encounters a power outage, we can use the above methods to repair it, so that in the future, when we find that the rolling shutter door at home has a power outage, we won't be upset.
如果实在不明白 ,可以致电卷帘门经销商进行咨询 ,或执行以上操作实验 ,另有什么相关的事项就来我们网站咨询吧!
If you really don't understand, you can call the roller shutter door dealer for consultation or try the above operation. If there are any other related matters, please come to our website Consult!

阅读/ Recommended reading

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